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Tantric Massage

Breath, move, sound, feel and transform your sexual well-being

Somatic Sex Education (SSE) is a working perspective with sexuality, accompanying people through individual personal growth and sexual well-being by offering embodied experiences.


Sexological Bodyworkâ„ 

Sexological Bodyworkâ„  is a modality where people can experiment by themselves or with a partner. We start by talking over the  individuals challenges and intentions and then moving  into somatic practices and bodywork. It differs from traditional sex therapy in that it focuses on enabling the client to process and regulate how they feel in their body.

It has been developed by Joseph Kramer PhD in the 80s and in 2003 was recognised as a legal profession in California. Today there are professional training schools in several countries around the world. 

SB welcomes all sexual orientations and genders.

Tantric Massage

When receiving a Tantric Massage you are invited to surrender into relaxation as you rediscover your senses and come into contact with your feelings and emotions.

This process promotes well-being and a sense of deep peacefulness allowing you to resolve issues related to relationships, self-esteem and sex.

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